
The beginning

On the 11th of July in 2016 the Certification institution of the Engineering Department received an accreditation certificate No. LA.05.005, which was issued by the National Accreditation Bureau under the Ministry of Economy. The National Accreditation institution meets the LST EN ISO/IEC 17024:2012 requirements and is accredited to perform the certification of the employees in electricity and heating energy sectors. The accreditation areas are provided in the appendix to certification.

The CERTIFICATION INSTITUTION JSC “SDG” ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT has been certifying the Energetics employees according to the Energetics employees’ certification scheme, concluded together with the State Energy Inspectorate under the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania.  

The scheme has been prepared according to the Energetics objects, requirements of the certification order description (Official Gazette, 2012, no. 130-6581) of employees building and exploiting devices and the Lithuanian Standard LST EN ISO / IEC 17024: 2012 ‘Conformity Assessment. General requirements for staff certification bodies (ISO / IEC 17024: 2012)’ that sets the general requirements for the certification schemes. The certification scheme has been  concluded with these categories of energetics employees:

Activity area (accredited): Consumption of electric power

From the 21st of October 2014 the JSC ‘SDG’ Engineering department additionally certifies the employees of the Energetics based on the addition to the Energetics employees’ certification scheme concluded with the State Energy Inspectorate under the Ministry of Energy.

The addition to the certification scheme of the JSC ‘SDG’ Engineering department is agreed for these categories of energetics employees:

Activity area (accredited): exploitation of electric devices

• The leaders of energy companies that exploit electric devices, the leaders of branch offices or their authorized persons responsible for the exploitation of electric devices in company;

• The leaders of the structural branches of energy companies, who are responsible for the exploitation of electric devices;

• The leaders of the branches of Energy companies, who are responsible for electric devices exploitation;

• An electrical worker who performs the works in the electric devices;

Activity area (accredited): Construction of the electricity objects and devices (mounting)

• The leaders of Construction (mounting) companies for the Electric devices and company representatives responsible for organizing the construction of electric devices (mounting);

• Workers and specialists mounting electric devices;

Activity area (accredited): Heat consumption

• Person responsible for the organization of company or heating devices exploitation (person who is responsible for the heating economy) of a building;

• The managers of the building heating and hot water systems supervisor’s structural branches or their authorized persons responsible for the heating points of the building and hot water systems;

The specialists and workers that exploit the building heating points, heating and hot water systems. The certifying institution JSC ‘SDG’ Engineering department clarified, added and on the 19th of October in 2016 concluded with the State Energy Inspectorate under the Ministry of Energy the content of the energetics employees’ certification scheme.

Activity area: Exploitation of electric devices

• Operational officer, operational-maintenance worker for electric devices.

Activity area: Exploitation of heating devices

• The leaders of energy companies, branch offices exploiting heating devices or their authorized persons responsible for the organization of the exploitation of heating devices in the company.

• The leaders and their substitute persons, of company structural branches, responsible for exploitation of heating devices.

• The leaders of the company branches, responsible for exploitation of heating devices.

• Employees that exploit the heating devices (engineers, specialists, operators, special drivers, etc.).

• Electrical workers that exploit the security systems5 of heating devices, automation, alarm and management systems5

Activity area: heating objects  

• The leaders of heating objects and devices construction (mounting) and their authorized persons, responsible for the organization of heating devices (mounting) in a company.

• The workers and specialists mounting the heating devices.

Activity area: Biogas production

• The leaders of biogas companies or their authorized persons responsible for the organization of exploitation of biogas production devices.

• The leaders of biogas companies’ structural branches or persons who are authorized by these leaders, responsible for the exploitation of biogas production devices.

• Specialists that exploit the Biogas production devices.

• Workers that exploit the Biogas production devices.

Activity area: Natural gas distribution

• The leaders of natural gas companies or their authorized persons and leaders of branches, responsible for the organization of the distribution system exploitation.

• The leaders of company structural branches and their authorized persons, responsible for the exploitation of natural gas distribution system (no larger than 16 bar working pressure gas systems, pipeline pipes, gas pressure control devices, gas accounting systems, equipment for protection from corrosion, means for measuring).  

• The specialists that exploit the distribution systems (no larger than 16 bar working pressure gas systems, pipeline pipes, gas pressure control devices, gas accounting systems, equipment for protection from corrosion, means for measuring). 

• Workers that exploit the distribution systems (no larger than 16 bar working pressure gas systems, pipeline pipes, gas pressure control devices, gas accounting systems, equipment for protection from corrosion, means for measuring). 

Activity area: storage, dispensing, distribution and supply of liquefied petroleum gas

• The leaders of the liquefied petroleum gas companies or their authorized persons and leaders of company branch offices, responsible for the organization of exploitation of the liquefied petroleum gas system devices (LPG tanks, LPG distribution systems, filling points and filling stations).

• The leaders of liquefied petroleum gas companies’ branch offices, leaders of structural departments, responsible for the exploitation of liquefied petroleum terminals, storage facilities, filling points and filling stations.

• Specialists exploiting the devices of the liquefied petroleum gas systems (LPG tanks, LPG distribution systems, filling points and filling stations).

• Workers exploiting the devices of the liquefied petroleum gas systems (LPG tanks, LPG distribution systems, filling points and filling stations).

Activity area: Consumption of flammable gas

• The person who is responsible for the exploitation of consumer flammable gas system. 

• Company leader or his authorized person, responsible for exploiting consumer flammable gas systems.

• Specialists exploiting consumer flammable gas systems (pipelines of gas supply pipelines of not more than 16 bar of working pressure, gas pressure regulators, anti-corrosion devices)

• Workers exploiting consumer flammable gas systems (pipelines of gas supply pipelines of not more than 16 bar of working pressure, gas pressure regulators, anti-corrosion devices).

• Heads of liquefied petroleum gas and / or compressed natural gas service stations and their authorized persons responsible for the operation of gas station equipment.

• Leaders of branch companies exploiting the LPG and (or) compressed natural gas stations, leaders of structural divisions responsible for the exploitation of devices of LPG or GPG service stations.

• Specialists exploiting liquefied petroleum gas systems and (or) compressed natural gas service stations.

• Workers exploiting liquefied petroleum gas systems and (or) compressed natural gas service stations.

Activity area: Construction of natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas objects and devices

• Natural gas (transmission systems, distribution systems and (or) consumer systems) and the leaders of construction (installation) companies of liquefied petroleum gas objects and devices and their authorized persons, responsible for the organization of construction (installation) of gas devices in a company.

• Specialists installing the natural gas devices (transmission systems, distribution systems and (or) consumer systems) and liquefied petroleum gas devices.

• Workers installing the natural gas devices (transmission systems, distribution systems and (or) consumer systems) and liquefied petroleum gas devices.

Activity area: Consumption of petroleum products

• The leaders of energy companies and their authorized persons responsible for exploitation organizing of liquefied petroleum gas devices.

• The leaders of energy companies divisions or their authorized persons, responsible for exploitation of liquefied petroleum gas stations.

• Specialists that exploit the devices for liquefied petroleum gas stations.

• Workers that exploit the devices for liquefied petroleum gas stations.

Activity area: Construction of petroleum, petroleum production objects and devices (installation)

• The leaders or their authorized persons of construction companies in petroleum, petroleum production objects and devices installation, responsible for organizing of petroleum, petroleum production devices (installation) construction in a company.

• Specialists installing the petroleum, petroleum production devices.

• Workers installing the petroleum, petroleum production devices.  

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